I Gotsk To Getsk Me Some Stripkers
By Popeye the Sailor Man
Sos I retoin from six monthsk of defendink me country overseas with the Navy, and alls I wantsk is a little attenshkin from me goil Olive. I opens the door to her apartmink to surprise her, and I gets a face full of Bluto’s Browneye bouncink up and down on the sofa with Olive spreads-eagles and chuckling underneath. This ain’t the foist time she done this to me, but it sure is the woist.
That’s all I can stands – I can’t stands no more! The last sound that cheatink beanpole skank will hears from me is the steam comings from me pipe as I slams the door. It beats the stuffings outta me what I ever seen in that broomstick-looking bitch in the foist place. When I goes out with the Navys, we takes shore leave in ports all over the woild. Mosk of the guys heads straight to the strip clubs to watch shapely wimmins shakes their naked bresks. Big, round, bouncy bresks… oh, hows I usek to wishk Olive had bresks like that!
Well, this is it – to Hells with Olive! I gotsk to getsk me some stripkers! All I needs is me best sailor suit and a fisk full of money and I’m goings down town lookins for love. Maybe it’ll be like that one times in Manila when that busky beauty named Daon tooks off her tops and tickled me chin, sayins that she’d likes to tickle me somewheres else afters her shifk. Of course in Manila, I stays loyal to me skank-ask goil Olive – but tonights, I writes me number on a fifky, tucks it in her G-strings and says “Well, blow me, Daon!” Aaah-geh-geh-geh-geh-gehhh!
I needs me a new goil anysway. Once she’s out of that red blouse ang black skirt, Olive ain’t nothin’ but bones, knees and feetsk. Anymores with Olive, it just feltsk likes I’ve been shagging a clown skeleting. To Hell with her – I’m gettingk mes a real woman! I cantsk waits to shows me new goil whats I can do in the sack after I eatsk me spinachk! It will be so liberatin’ to enjoys a smokes after a spinachk-fueled shagfest with a goil whose skinny little lady parts aren’t so roughed up that she looks like she jusk got done maskerbatink with a salad shooter.