25 October 2006

Carth-off: Thoughts on the Release of the Browns Offensive Coordinator

By Stan Jablonski, Disillusioned Browns Fan

So the Browns shitcanned… er, I mean “accepted the resignation of” Offensive Coordinator Maurice Carthon. I guess Lerner wants us to believe that this means the team plans to go in a new direction. Good - from what I saw of Carthon’s master plan of swing passes, sweeps and off-tackle runs, the direction we were going was sideways, and that didn’t work so well. This leaves us with the directions of forwards or backwards to choose from – so the Browns have a 50-50 shot of improving now. I guess that’s a start…

Holy crap, Mo… if I wanted to spend three hours watching something run sideways and eventually get smeared, I’d pull up a chair on my porch, crack open a six pack, and watch the squirrels play Dodge’m with traffic from 1 to 4 every Sunday.

I guess the Browns are still rebuilding… for the eighth straight season. For Christ’s sake - doesn’t the NFL already have a Detroit Lions? Why spend half a billion dollars to build another one – especially if it doesn’t come with a domed stadium for shitty weather like the original?

All I can say is that the last time that kind of money got spent on an ever-worsening disaster that ran way past its realistic timeframe to turn the corner, at least Iraqi children got free soccer balls out of the deal.


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